Welcome to AJO Consulting Services!

AJO Consulting Services, LLC is the oasis in the desert of comprehensive wellness services in communities of color. By providing Personal & Professional Development, Coaching and Social & Community Connection services, AJO Consulting Services aspires to empower individuals, communities and businesses to be their best selves!






Learn how to overcome obstacles and accomplish goals in life, dating, relationships and business. Start the journey to release what is weighing you down and grow into your best self!

Now Offering: Prenantal and Postpartum Coaching! This service assists expecting parents, mothers, birthing individuals and families coaching pre and post birth of a child. It takes a village to raise a child! Build your community and village now!


Personal and Professional Development


These services include Skills Building Workshops, Wellness Navigation and Finance Management for individuals and businesses. Identify what your life is in need of and create your own oasis!


Social and Community Connection


These services aim to assist clients in exploring and cultivating a space where they feel most comfortable being themselves. Explore the world, find your voice all while discovering your tribe!


Why I Do This Work


I spent years of living check to check (being paid on Friday but broke by Monday!) to living a life of comfort and stability. Went from struggling with crippling anxiety and not feeling like I had anyone to talk to, to now controlling those anxious thoughts and being a beacon for others who, too, are suffering from the hardships of navigating life. Going from feeling lost, not knowing where to turn when organized religion just didn’t help anymore, to being spiritually grounded and finding God when I did the work to find myself. From being anti-social because the spaces available to me just didn’t sit with who I was, to now creating a platform and spaces for those who, like me, yearn to be their genuine self wherever life takes them. From living in scarcity and holding on tight to the things I had out of the fear of not having enough, to now being able to indulge and enjoy luxury as I please. I've learned so much from this journey called life! With the tools, skills and resources I provide, my clients will also be able to experience freedom that they didn’t know was possible.

Let’s Stay Connected!